Luxerum LTD
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Jun 28th, 2016
Our Investment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 12%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10$/100$
Lifetime: 12 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 9 days
Referral: 2%
Added: Jun 22nd, 2016
Investment Plans:  2% daily for 14 days
Welcome to Luxerum LTD. Luxerum LTD is a company with expertise and efficiency in the world foreign exchanges and gold trading. We always provide the best service for investors in terms of money management and risk management in making an investment. We also always promise satisfaction to investors by providing the best system in the process of depositing money and the process of withdrawal. Our firm ensures that you do not get a single moment to regret or complain. Our hard working and dedicated team makes sure that your account is being handled in the most efficient manner. The company was founded with the mission of providing its members with the safest and favorable investment opportunities available with the best possible and achievable returns at a minimum risk. There are no unrealistic promises presented here, just steady and consistent results basedon previous trades.


Payout Ratio: 12%
Profit: $6.20 in 6 payouts
Investment: $50.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount Comment
Profit Jun 28th, 2016 $1.00
Profit Jun 27th, 2016 $1.00
Profit Jun 27th, 2016 $1.00
Profit Jun 25th, 2016 $1.20
Profit Jun 25th, 2016 $1.00
Profit Jun 23rd, 2016 $1.00
Spend Jun 22nd, 2016 $50.00
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