iPodium LTD
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Oct 26th, 2016
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 4%
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Min/Max: 10/500000
Lifetime: 4 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 3 days
Referral: 3%
Added: Oct 25th, 2016
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash
Investment Plans:  130% after 1 Day, 200% after 3 Days, 370% after 7 Days, 700% after 15 Days, 1500% after 30 Days, VIP1 400% after 5 Days, VIP2 1500% after 15 day
iPodium company is a wholesale representative Apple's products in Europe. As Apple's iPhone business is maturing, it is changing considerably. Having reached the lion's share of potential buyers by now, unit sales growth is naturally slowing down and the majority of iPhone purchases is no longer to new customers but to existing ones who upgrade to a newer model. As the changes brought along by new iPhone models have become increasingly incremental rather than fundamental, Apple is struggling to convince iPhone users of updating their phone at least every other year, which could be why this year's new iPhone will reportedly bring a change that Apple has long hesitated to make. For some time now people have been asking for a larger-screen iPhone which, it seems, Apple will finally deliver this fall. The decision to introduce a large-screen iPhone could not only help convince existing iPhone users to shell out for a new model, but also tempt some Android devotees to try something else for a change. This chart shows iPhone sales from fiscal year 2011 through fiscal year 2015, broken down by the type of purchase.

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Very Good Oct 26th, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Oct 25th, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!

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