Bitcoin Era
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: May 26th, 2016
Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 153% in profit
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 0.01/0.5
Lifetime: 5 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 5 days
Referral: 15%
Added: May 23rd, 2016
Investment Plans:  135% after 50 hours, 2% hourly for 100 hours, 225% after 100 hours
Many people want to earn extra income on a daily basis or even hourly. But on the way to success they meet many difficulties - lack of time, lack of mining experience, knowledge in the field of trading on currencies markets, mining or just lack of experience. These concepts are especially significant for those who have heard and know about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. In order to generate additional income from the investment is necessary to calculate risks, monitor the market and create detailed analytical predictions. This requires knowledge and experience in trading with Bitcoin and structures of mining knowledge. Our mission is to help all people to become independent and rich. Every year Bitcoin cryptocurrency grows, and we want to become only company which trading cryptocurrency Bitcoin and investing in data centers over the world. The goal of our investment is to minimize risks and ensure a regular income for our investors by attracting additional private investment and subsequent reinvestment of assets collected in all spheres of our activities. Private investment will help us increase monthly income by the growth of active transactions on the exchanges stock and increasing investments in mining. If you want to start investing and make stable profit on a daily basis, Bitcoinera is your best choice. Stable profit with 3 different deposi options Giving you the ability to choose the most enjoyable type of earning. All deposit plans ar calculated with your initial deposit included in daily/final return.

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