Flower Pot
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Sep 21st, 2016
Our Investment: $300.00
Payout Ratio: 131% in profit
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: $10/$5000
Lifetime: 79 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 79 days
Referral: 5% - 2% - 1%
Added: Jul 7th, 2016
Investment Plans:  125% for 20 Days, 142.5% for 30 Days, 175% for 50 Days
We can′t imagine our live without flowers, bouquet for girlfriend or bouquet for mother, be it Birthday or significant date. Or perhaps we want to do something pleasant for no particular reason? In this case we go to a shop and buy bouquet. Not necessarily large, may be it would be just one flower which definitely will give pleasure for our ladies. And have your ever think about where flowers are appeared from to our shops in free access and wide assortment? What way they have passed before your choose exactly this flower? Flower Pot – our company is a regular member of Dutch auction FloraHolland in Aalsmeer since 2012 supplying both fresh cut flowers and pot plants to Moscow and other regions of Russia. At present we are ready to invite you to fragrant world of beauty and color by means of investment. Thus you become a joint owner of well put and permanent growing business. At the first sight it can seem that investment in flower business is unprofitable. But you only have to think – every day they sell more than 20 millions flowers by auction and all of them find end consumer all over the world. Taking part in Dutch auction it is necessary to have a definite skill for doing successful deals. Purchase value difference can reach 4-5 times when realization.

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