Green Telecom
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Aug 26th, 2016
Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 44%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/No Limit
Lifetime: 196 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 63 days
Referral: 10%-5%-2%
Added: Jul 11th, 2016
BitCoin BankWire
Investment Plans:  0.9% Daily for 1 Year, 1.6% Daily for 6 Months, 2.8% Daily for 90 Days
The GT Group was established on 18 March 2008 and is now one of the leading ICT service providers (engineering and communication technologies) in the Dominican Republic. In GT, the Datacenter (Information Center) is responsible for the information processing of data in a wide range of business and consumer services, offers high quality Internet connectivity, hosting services, multimedia services and cloud technologies for private and corporate clients. The GT company focused on helping corporate enterprises and individuals to reduce and control their communication costs and improve the quality of communication itself in the field of ITC. GT offers a complete solution for all communication needs of its customers to save them time and money. GT manages the entire telecom lifecycle of its customers, from design and research to implementation, support and management of the current account. With an extended outsourcing, software technologies and functional competence of qualified experts, customers, and investors have access to GT Management own account, business transparency and saving their money. This is convenient, comfortable and cost-effective. GT saves time and money by providing legendary service and quality of work.

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