Lonix Finance
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Sep 28th, 2016
Our Investment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 57%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: $10/$100
Lifetime: 3 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 3 days
Referral: from 1% up to 2%
Added: Sep 27th, 2016
PerfectMoney BitCoin
Investment Plans:  2.17% hourly for 48 Hours, 102% After 1 Day
Lonix Finance is private alternative investments adviser and diversified portfolio management specialist, offering assets and capital management plans to its clients. Our investment strategies are built on solid, proven to work commodity trading techniques developed by an elite reputable group of fund management professionals. Vista Pro Life is looking forward to providing its investors very attractive returns, while covering the risks during down markets and amplifying the earnings during consistently strong markets. OUR MISSION Lonix Finance, has been established to manage the funds of company's clients. In other words, we apply our specialists' asset management skills in serving the needs of our customers worldwide. We provide full range of investment management solutions for both amateur and senior investors. OUR VISION Our vision is to be the 'Top in Quality' by delivering superior management performance and services from which investors can benefit. It is the necessary part of this vision to deliver superior returns to our investors and shareholders, year after year, consistently without any risk. We as a market leader that constantly innovates to provide best-value products and services to its millions of customers.


Payout Ratio: 57%
Profit: $28.71 in 3 payouts
Investment: $50.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount Comment
Profit Sep 28th, 2016 $17.46
Profit Sep 28th, 2016 $2.27
Profit Sep 28th, 2016 $8.98
Spend Sep 27th, 2016 $50.00
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