Forex King
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: May 5th, 2016
Our Investment: $0.00
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Min/Max: 10/50000
Lifetime: 245 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 107 days
Referral: 3-5%
Added: Jan 26th, 2016
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin
Investment Plans:  2.1% Daily for 15 Days, 2.3% Daily for 35 Days, 2.7% Daily for 60 Days, 250% After 40 Days, 600% After 65 Days, 1800% After 105 Days, 350% After 17 Days, 900% After 33 Days
Forex King - Your Profitable Kingdom offers high-return investing in the Forex and cryptocurrency markets as well as promising start-ups on Fintech. How does it work and where does big money come from? Everybody knows that currency exchange rates change all the time. When a currency becomes more expensive in comparison with another, people holding their money in the first currency may be winning while those who are holding their savings in the other currency may be losing because their currency has become cheaper in relation to the first one. Such changes occur every second, so if you buy a currency which is about to rise in price and sell it after the rise, you get the difference between the buy and sell prices as your profit. That is what is called currency trading or Forex trading. Forex King employs a team of highly effective financial experts who know for sure when a currency is to rise or fall. They track the market continuously and start trading at best times. They trade both traditional currencies like US dollar and Euro, and so-called cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The Company has had very good results in both trading and start-up financing. However, what we are having now is a tiny part of what we could have if we had enough funds to use every earning opportunity in our sphere. For the purpose of increasing our current assets, we have decided to attract funds from private and corporate investors through our website platform and make profit from many more earning opportunities which we currently have to decline or ignore due to limited assets. Our Mission is to ensure maximal profit to each of our investors and keep possible risks to their investments at the lowest levels.

Votes Summary

Very Good
7 votes
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Very Bad May 6th, 2016 18:51:38 That review of shows screen shots and proof of non payments. over $19,000 stolen from me
Very Good May 5th, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Apr 22nd, 2016 00:00:00
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Very Good Apr 19th, 2016 00:00:00
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Good Apr 9th, 2016 21:24:44
There is a legal company that helped thousands of investors to get back their MONEY from scam HYIPs and FOREX, contact them and recover your money now, their email is
Very Good Feb 23rd, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Feb 21st, 2016 10:40:17
Выплата 02.21.16 09:44 Account Receive +4.2 Received Payment 4.2 USD from account U9926615 to account U991****. Batch: 120744225. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Natala from Forex King - Your Profitable Kingdom.
Very Good Feb 11th, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Feb 5th, 2016 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!

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