Genius Power
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Dec 10th, 2015
Our Investment: $0.00
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Min/Max: 10/800000
Lifetime: 15 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 14 days
Referral: 3%
Added: Nov 28th, 2015
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin
Investment Plans:  130% After 1 Day, 200% After 3 Days, 275% After 5 Days, 370% After 7 Days, 700% After 15 Days, 1500% After 30 Days, 3000% After 44 Days, 5000% After 60 Days, 444% After 4 Days - VIP Plan
Our company GeniusPower helps you to get an incredible high return on your investments. If you don't like to waste time and if you want to earn big money easy - this program is for you. To participate in our program you need only one thing. All you need is desire to get rich. Our professional financial team and financial advisers are always at your service. We will help you to earn easy way. You can deposit any amount of money at any moment, and we have no withdrawal minimum. You can get your profit at any moment. And remember - the more you deposit, the more you earn. We have highly profitable investment plans, and you can just choose the more interesting for you. You will be surprised how many people work for our company. And you can earn a huge sum of money without any efforts. Simply deposit money and wait. All the rest will be made by our experts. They are engaged in it for all life, and we can give you guarantees that you won't risk your money. To start work with us and to do profitable investments you must read the company rules and make a deposit. Start earning money today and make your life much better with GeniusPower! GeniusPower is one of the leading financial organizations, involved in foreign exchange trading. Our traders have received intense training in the field of FOREX trading, and their superior skills in the art of such trading, keeps our firm a class apart from every existing business of such a kind, and outmatches them in every aspect. Years of practice and research in the field of foreign exchange trading have proved very beneficial to us in the generations of high yield returns. Trading have proved very beneficial to us in the generations of high yield returns. Even though foreign exchange trading is a highly lucrative field, it takes experienced and well-trained individuals to exploit the market in the most profitable way; and that is exactly where our state of uniqueness comes. Our team of foreign exchange traders helps you to make money from your invested funds, in the most secure, safe, and reliable way, without any loss. We invite every online investor to try out our program, and take the chance of making high profits in the safest way. Join our company now!

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Very Good Dec 10th, 2015 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Dec 7th, 2015 00:00:00
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Very Good Dec 1st, 2015 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!
Very Good Nov 30th, 2015 00:00:00
Next Payment Received. Thanks!

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