Hour Coins LTD.
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Feb 23rd, 2017
Our Investment: $1,000.00
Payout Ratio: 117% in profit
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 5/50000
Lifetime: 67 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 67 days
Referral: 3%~10%
Added: Dec 21st, 2016
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash BankWire
Investment Plans:  1.45%~1.56% Hourly for 72 hours, 2.67%~3.12% Hourly for 40 hours, 7.03%~11% Hourly for 20 hours.
Hourcoins is binary option trade company,we are already design a unique trade system that can help us make trade every second profitly.so we can make profit within 1 minutes,its also available to withdraw at anytime.due to its need a lot of strategy and huge fund to work with it.its hard for no-experience trader to do it.our professional trading system reduces the potential risk and maximize the total return.we are divide it into 3 plan for you to choose it. all you need to do is make deposit and withdraw after 1 hour,its intantly payment.all plan is guaranteed return so you dont have any risk.

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