Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Nov 27th, 2017
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 248% in profit
Our Rating:
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Min/Max: 10/No Limit
Lifetime: 23 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 23 days
Referral: 7%-2%-1%; Representative - 15%
Added: Nov 6th, 2017
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash
Investment Plans:  10% Daily forever
BitBIOS provides our investment partners the opportunity to experience the excitement of earning profit from the cryptocurrency world and not have all the stress that go along with mining. We have developed an advanced mining system that guarantees profitability as long as possible. Thanks to our bot software, after each block found, the program calculates which Altcoins to extract further, this way we are able to gain more value of crypto currency than ordinary mining. The profit of our system depends on the hardware power needed for the millions calculations made per seconds, deciding in which algorithm should our hashes be deployed, emanating from our mining equipment, which we also buy thanks to your investors, directly from the manufacturers. We will create a profit that will enhance the lives of our members for the long term through our commitment and services. By joining our platform, you will begin to receive your profit from your deposit immediately after your transaction. You do not wait for shipping, connecting and setting up of the equipment purchased by your deposits. You do not worry about system crashes and do not overpay the mining pools from your profits, you will gain your profit from already connected cloud farm, without any hidden fees or delays.

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