Coin Turbo
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: May 11th, 2016
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 23%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/50000
Lifetime: 16 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 14 days
Referral: 3%
Added: Apr 29th, 2016
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash
Investment Plans:  2-10% daily, 109% after 3 days, 120% After 5 Days, 165% After 10 Days, 260% After 20 Days, 400% After 30 Days
Coin Turbo is involved in a wide-range of the business fields that are very close to the venture capital industry. Since 2013 the company offers long-term investments at the stages of Bitcoin Mining and stock market trading. The second field allows us to implement projects with innovative content, and joint ownership of such companies provides a high degree of control over the cash flows as well as timely and accurate settlement of obligations towards investors.

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