Passive Loan
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: No Payouts
Our Investment: $0.00
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 25/No Limit
Lifetime: 54 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 54 days
Referral: 5-10%-2%
Added: Jan 27th, 2017
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin Payza
Investment Plans:  5.2% Daily for 30 Calendar Day, 107% After 5 Days
Welcome to our fast growing community of people who wish to help each other rise and achieve their dreams with a use of an advanced loan allocation platform. The platform's main goal is to generate indefinite & fixed stable profits for every lender by distributing the immature 'seed' funds (principal) to support the oldest (matured) loans in queue. We offer a give and take relationship that requires you to contribute 'seed' your loan principal for just 20 days. After which you will break even, and in return your loan will get matured and provide you with additional 10 days of pure 56% profit. Every loan cycle lasts 30 calendar days from which only the last 10 are considered as mature loan returns and will result in a total of 156% monthly return!

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