Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: No Payouts
Our Investment: $0.00
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 20/100000
Lifetime: 216 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 24 days
Referral: 7%-3%-1%-1%
Added: Dec 10th, 2017
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash
Investment Plans:  30 DAYS 1.8% DAILY, 50 DAYS 2.18% DAILY, 75 DAYS 2.68% DAILY, 120 BUSINESS DAYS 3% DAILY, 1000% AFTER 50 BUSINESS DAYS, 5000% AFTER 100 BUSINESS DAYS
Crypto-FX is an experienced team of professional traders, market analysts and portfolio managers who conduct trading in the forex and the cryptocurrency market. For the past few years, our company has been doing its business with great success. Our unique business strategy, detailed analysis of the crypto-market and advanced financial tools allow to ensure the high rate of the company's assets capitalization. And the minimization of risks lets us avoid any financial issues. The company's earning methods are always proving themselves fruitful and bring only positive results.

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