Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Jun 10th, 2018
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 57%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/50000
Lifetime: 22 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 15 days
Referral: 7%-2%-1%
Added: May 30th, 2018
PerfectMoney Payeer AdvCash BitCoin Ethereum Dash NixMoney
Investment Plans:  3.00%-5.00% DAILY FOR 5-25 DAYS
Oil production has been always very perspective kind of business from the financial point. No wonder oil is called “black gold”. Our company Plenty-Oil specializes on investing in rich oil deposits. We are co-owners of 17 oil-wells, each of which brings more than 1800 tons of oil per year. This allows us to have an income that counts in the millions. However, our goal is continuous growth, the desire to move forward. The mission of Plenty-Oil is in deposit development. We are ready to provide technological and human resources, to implement new and large investments. We have lots of global goals to achieve and we give you the opportunity to join and become part of our large team. Each new investor will not only receive quick profits and permanent income, but also an awareness of the importance of joint undertaking. The development of any industrial sector is a huge step forward. And when it comes to oil - it is also the overall growth of the world economy

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