Dr.Bit Ltd
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Oct 30th, 2016
Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 26%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 0.01BTC/No Limit
Lifetime: 9 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 9 days
Referral: 5%
Added: Oct 24th, 2016
Investment Plans:  3%-4% Daily. Principal release: 5% fee
The GLOBAL DR.BIT INVESTMENTS LTD is a cloudmining platform. We are engaged in cryptocurrency mining using the latest technologies, hardware and software. Also we are always looking for active investors to take them to rent a part of our mining capacity. Thanks to our engineers, financial experts and marketing team, GLOBAL DR.BIT INVESTMENTS LTD also provides cryptocurrency trading and filling the reserve fund for the safety of both ours and clients assets. Investing your money here you can always feel confident about your stable and outstanding income. There is no restriction policy applied to membership when it comes to citizenship, geographical location our any other outside related factor. Any participant from any part of the world is welcome to join, to benefit from Bitcoin cloud mining services that we provide as well as use ours other available services. Join our company, grow your wealth and get stable profits by investing, invite your friends, co-workers and earn even more. Today, there is a number of well known corporations and individuals who found GLOBAL DR.BIT INVESTMENTS LTD as a rewarding place to invest and earn up to 90% per month for their investments. We hope you will join our company and discover the rewards for yourself.

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