Bob Company
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: No Payouts
Our Investment: $0.00
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Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/5000
Lifetime: 20 days
Withdrawal: Automatic
Monitored: 16 days
Referral: from 6% up to 11%
Added: May 12th, 2017
PerfectMoney Payeer AdvCash
Investment Plans:  3% Daily for 60 calendar days, 3.3% Daily for 90 calendar days, 3.5% Daily for 120 calendar days
Our team consists of 10 professional managers who know all the subtleties of the world of billiard sports, who have great practical experience and maintain contacts with all international organizations, such as The Union Mondiale de Billard, Confederation Europeenne de Billard and others. We know the details of billiards and its rules, we constantly follow the broadcasts and all the events in this sport, we have studied the strategy of the game and have chosen the most effective billiards for organizing bets, we know how to notice the beginning talented players and we follow the super-billiard players with an experienced look. We not only organize private closed tournaments with big stakes, but most importantly - we earn on stakes.

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