Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Feb 5th, 2018
Our Investment: $20.00
Payout Ratio: 169% in profit
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Min/Max: 10/20000
Lifetime: 178 days
Withdrawal: Instant
Monitored: 126 days
Referral: 8%-5%-2%-1%-1%-1%-1%-1%-1%-0.5%-0.5%
Added: Sep 22nd, 2017
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin AdvCash
Investment Plans:  1.25%-1.55% Daily for 200-260 Days
Cryptonion is a coherent mechanism in which people interact to gain a common benefit. United by common interests and the desire to be at the forefront of the cryptocurrency market, we are constantly improving our performance. In order to stay at a high level, we continually incorporate new technologies, use new methods of tendering, always something new to move ahead. Like technology, we never stand on the spot, so we are always in the vanguard of technology. It's the desire to be the best that makes us go forward. The composition of our company has not changed since its inception, leading to the creation of a powerful and unified mechanism that has led us to the major trade breakthrough over the past few years. By adhering to the clear strategy, using our bid technology, the company never finds itself in a crisis situation. Systematic analysis of the current market situation, using flexible capitalization, reduces any investment risk to the minimum. Such a wage system implies the high income for the entire duration of the work.

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