Dark Trade Limited
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: Jun 10th, 2018
Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 58%
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/100.000
Lifetime: 65 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 18 days
Referral: 5%-1%
Added: May 26th, 2018
PerfectMoney Payeer AdvCash BitCoin LiteCoin
Investment Plans:  103-135% AFTER 1 DAY, 120-280% AFTER 4 DAYS, 132-450% AFTER 7 DAYS, 165-900% AFTER 15 DAYS, 450-1800% AFTER 33 DAYS, 900-2800% AFTER 50 DAYS
Dark Trade is a company specializing in the provision of beneficial investment solutions in the crypto-currency market. Our investment project is intended for people who are eager to attain financial freedom but lack sufficient experience and knowledge in the crypto-currency sphere. Our vigorous activities in this field have enabled our company to gather a highly efficient team of experts and obtain a huge practical experience over a short period of time. Investments poured in the crypto-currency market are known to bring profits that are severalfold larger than the profitability of bank deposits. Moreover, crypto-currency investments offer virtually unlimited profit-making opportunities.

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