Astera Ltd
Status: Not Paying
Last Payout: No Payouts
Our Investment: $0.00
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Min/Max: 10/5000
Lifetime: 11 days
Withdrawal: Manual
Monitored: 11 days
Referral: from 1% up to 4%
Added: Oct 31st, 2015
PerfectMoney Payeer BitCoin
Investment Plans:  1% per day lifetime, 1,5% per day 7 days, 10,43% daily for 12 days, 10,94% daily for 14 days
Astera-Ins Ltd. - insurance company with headquarters in United Kingdom, with wide range of services in insurance of financial risks. We solve range of tasks for our clients: complex insurance of credit operations; insurance of financial risks for creditors; insurance of financial guarantees; Profit loss insurance. Astera-Ins Ltd. In autumn 2015 launches insurance online-fund with team of professional traders, which provide income of the company by trading on the international markets. Astera attracts additional investments for extension of this activity of the company, conjunction with own capital. Thanks to the wide financial opportunities and using tools which are not available for regular players of the market - Astera successfully carries out its investment activities.


Payout Ratio: 0%
Profit: $0.00
Investment: $0.00

Type Date Amount Comment
No Payouts
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